Enter one of the most in-demand, highly paid areas of consulting.
Talexes products can give you your “in.”

The behavior of leaders has a profound influence on the culture of an organization. When leaders offer fresh ideas, motivate employees, and solve serious business problems, their companies thrive.
How can you be sure your leaders are making a positive impact?
Which benchmarks should you use to identify up-and-coming leaders or gauge the effectiveness of training programs designed to improve leadership performance?
These are tough questions, which is why leadership consulting is such a lucrative field. If you can crack the leadership equation, you will be compensated handsomely.

Talexes products can help you become a trusted leadership consultant.
Our assessment solutions deliver the insights your clients need to select, develop, and retain high-performing leaders. By identifying leadership behaviors that will help clients achieve their goals, Talexes Alliance Partners are in the enviable position of helping to shape the direction of entire organizations. Our products make it possible.
Too many people in leadership roles are underperforming. As a result, their companies are losing ground. People are leaving. Customers are looking elsewhere. Profits are evaporating. No company wants these things to happen, and they’re looking for ways to avoid these negative scenarios.

This is where our Partners make a difference.
By joining our team, you can be the one who helps these companies change course – the one who pinpoints underperformance and shows teams how to develop their leaders the right way.
You’ll also show clients where leaders are achieving peak performance and teach them how to ensure future leaders do the same.