In these days of outstanding talent, it pays to know your people better than they know themselves in order to help them develop the career of their dreams.
If this statement calls to you, it may be that you have a desire for—or maybe already a career in—talent management consulting. The Hayes Group International defines talent management consulting as “a holistic process built around three primary service areas: talent identification, talent development, and assessment of current talent and effective talent planning processes.
Talexes specializes in talent management on all of these service areas. Hayes even specifies that the talent identification should be at each stage of the employee lifecycle; an attribute that Talexes holds in high esteem.
Whether talent management consulting is your primary source of revenue and you are looking for an improvement or a future aspiration, Talexes is a valuable alliance for any talent management consultant.
As a talent management consultant, you can be the secret ingredient for the success of numerable organizations.