Add talent management to your suite of business consulting services.
Our Partners deliver unique advantages that help their clients succeed.

Opportunities for Business Consulting Professionals
How do you distinguish yourself among the multitude of consultants in your industry? The most successful business consultants and trainers offer something unique – a special advantage that helps their clients hit ambitious performance goals.
Now you can deliver those unique, valuable benefits. As a Talexes Alliance Partner, you can provide workforce solutions that help clients make the best possible use of their current and future talent. There’s already a growing demand for talent management across all industries. Businesses know they need it. They just need a reliable partner to step in and make a difference.
Adding Talexes solutions to your suite of business consulting services offers numerous benefits:
Leverage your experience:
You already know how to help companies succeed, and the talent management industry needs your expertise. The learning curve is low, and our Alliance Partners can hit the ground running, minimizing potential inconveniences and maximizing profitable opportunities.
Improve cash flow:
Profit margins are high, and our solutions are in demand. Talexes products can also generate recurring revenue, which helps you increase and stabilize your cash flow.
Gain insights about your clients:
By nature, employee assessments provide substantial information about your organizations. With more intelligence at your fingertips, you can discover opportunities to add value.
Strengthen your toolkit:
As a Partner, we provide everything you need to help your clients improve workforce performance – marketing collateral, tools and support.
Since Talexes Alliance Partners have no sales quotas and pay zero royalties, you can work as much – or as little – as you please. Our Partner trainers and business consultants enjoy the unfettered flexibility to work whenever and with whomever they want. As an experienced professional, you deserve to be free.